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We Promote Health

Think of Point North as a highly responsive healthcare concierge catering to every member of your team. 

The current healthcare climate can be confusing and both over- and underwhelming to your employees.

Point North is your partner for setting your team on a personalized course to the best possible health at the lowest possible cost to the patient and payers.

One-Stop Shop

Surveys and studies consistently demonstrate that around 96 percent of Americans do not understand their healthcare bills and benefits. We remove the confusion and frustration by involving nurses, social workers and advocates to assure each person we support is heard and understood. We are your employees’ one-stop shop for support across the healthcare spectrum.

Measured Results

Point North’s care management teammates guide employees to best healthcare decisions regardless of their quality of health at the program’s inception. We use a combination of data-driven best-practices, combined with prevention and health management to improve and maintain our clients’ population health.

Prevention is Key

Yet ultimately – we lead with prevention, not cure. Point North brings extensive results-based experience, real and artificial intelligence technology, and vast clinical expertise to deliver the best possible healthcare results for every individual. We guide every employee to find the right providers and the right services at the right time to keep your staff healthy – avoiding high-cost, reduced-productivity scenarios involving emergency rooms and hospitalizations.

Prevention is Key

Yet ultimately – we lead with prevention, not cure. Point North brings extensive results-based experience, real and artificial intelligence technology, and vast clinical expertise to deliver the best possible healthcare results for every individual. We guide every employee to find the right providers and the right services at the right time to keep your staff healthy – avoiding high-cost, reduced-productivity scenarios involving emergency rooms and hospitalizations.